Isabelle Hopewell
Isabelle facts to use at your next Isabelle-themed cocktail party...
Surprising everyone in every dance class she has ever taken, Isabelle is decently graceful in the water. She swam competitively for 10 years!
Self-proclaimed goat fanatic. ​
Really good at being a third-wheel as her younger sisters are twins. And yes. She can indeed tell them apart.
Much to her own chagrin, she owns a red pick-up truck named Clifford.
Expert at buying books even though she has plenty at home.
Doesn't need an alarm clock as her one-year-old cat Window will bite her face in the morning instead.
Too Long, Didn't Read...
Isabelle Hopewell (she/her) is an interdisciplinary actor, writer, director and educator based in Minneapolis. She is a proud alum of the University of Minnesota, Duluth where she received her BFA in Acting and her BA in Journalism, graduating with both Latin and Departmental honors. With a love of language analysis, she is committed to finding the common ground between her multiple mediums in order to create truthful, grounded and socially-aware storytelling. In whatever story she tells, Isabelle finds that connection, conversation, and compassion provide a powerful bridge between audience and actor. Story and society. Person and person.